have entered and are moving through the second phase of this amazing Siriun
Year, the time of sloughing off the old patterns, and establishing the new
level of Self. I want you to have a GREAT
UNFOLDING like I am! You could use some awesome navigation tools for this time, and I've got three free ones for you! 1. THE GREATER SELF TELESEMINAR First of all, many people complained to me that the access to my teleseminar "The Greater Self Process" became unavailable before the November 1st closing date. When my free trial period with InstantTeleseminar ended on October 21st, the company took it down. Therefore, my techie husband Daniel put the sound file where you can access it permanently. I apologize if you tried to listen but couldn't. This seminar is available to you anytime now, just click and listen. You can also download it and listen to it later. Remember, there's LOTS of information here, all of it oriented towards your Destiny work of 2018! Please click here ( http://www.GreaterSelfProcess.com.) 2. LAZARIS SPEAKS ON HEALING YOUR AND THE WORLD'S PAIN Lazaris is an entity channeled by Jach Pursel. I have attended Lazaris events since the '80's and have found just about everything Lazaris says to be valid, helpful, and positively transformative. Recently, in light of all the chaos, pain, trauma, and mayhem happening in the world through disasters, politics, and all the many pathways of human sufferings, Lazaris has responded with a gift. He's recorded a loving and practical answer on how to respond as a powerful metaphysical light being, as well as what to do about the pain. You don't want to go numb or run away from the world. You want to be able to do something FOR the world as well as for yourself. Lazaris gives solutions, and magician's techniques to help you grow and expand as well as heal the world out there. You owe it to yourself to listen to this short (roughly half hour) audio recording! Please click here (http://bit.ly/2zvtPA5.) 3. THE SECOND PHASE OF THE SIRIUN YEAR, THE CHALLENGING "TEST" YOU WILL GET AND HOW TO PASS IT Most people don't know all the traps that lie in the manifestation process. That's because few manifestation teachers give you the nitty-gritty, preferring instead to leave you with some light inspiration and a few uplifting ideas. You probably have already guessed that I'm a nitty-gritty kind of girl! My articles are long, detailed, and in depth. And this one I'm sharing here is the same, detailing out how to make it through the challenges of this stage of manifestation. (Yes, the Sirius Year is like a year-long manifestation process as well as this particular year that manifests the birth of the New World and your Dream Track of the Future opportunities.) I want you to pass the Test and celebrate your success through the holiday season! Please click here ( http://www.greaterselfprocess.com/test.html.) THANKSGIVING! And don't forget to be grateful for what you have at Thanksgiving time (and every day). I send you my love and light for you to have a glorious holiday celebration, filled with warmth of love and light, joy and healing, and blessed with the gifts that are coming to you from that Sirius Download you got in the seminar back in August! Have a blessed life, magical manifestations, and a glorious holiday season! Much love, Ginger |